Choose the Sermon: Why Do We Work So Much?
Speaker: Cynthia Lapp
It seems really meta to have worked so much on a sermon about why we work so much. So I tried not to work “so much” on this sermon. Life […]
Choose The Sermon: Dinosaurs and Noah – Why Does a Creator Destroy Their Creation?
Speaker: Michelle Burkholder
Genesis 1:1-2:1 [Adapted] In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth became chaos and emptiness, and darkness came over the face of the Deep – and […]
Choose the Sermon: On Sorrow
Speaker: Cynthia Lapp
(On sorrow — how to hold it lovingly and gracefully for yourself, others, your community and world) Earlier in the summer we asked you to “Choose the sermon,” to […]
Finding The Line
Speaker: Michelle Burkholder
You may have noticed in the weekly announcements that we have had a submission form open for a summer series called: You Choose The Sermon. We were planning on starting […]
The Embrace
Speaker: Cynthia Lapp
Today is July 11, 7/11. 7-Eleven has a tradition of giving everyone free Slurpees to celebrate the day they call their birthday. I don’t often go to 7-Eleven – even […]
Founding Mother of Our Country? Remembering Pocahontas on July 4
Speaker: Kimberly Schmidt
In 1608, Captain John Smith, a major figure in today’s sermon, sailed up the waters of the Chesapeake Bay from Jamestown Colony. He sailed up what we now call the […]
Sneaker & Stained Glass Revelations
Speaker: Michelle Burkholder
What has surprised me most in this past week are the sounds I am not hearing. For the past month each day (other than rainy ones) the air has been […]
Letters To And From Prison
Speaker: Cynthia Lapp
While our series is called “Letters from Prison”, I have to say that getting letters to prison is not always simple. The first letter I sent to Jason, who is […]
Letters From Prison
Speaker: Cynthia Lapp
One of the unexpected gifts of the pandemic has been a “full house” for adult education this past year. We just concluded four months of adult ed sessions about the […]
What, to the Disinherited, is Memorial Day?
Speaker: Mary Hershberger
Some time ago, I was thinking about Memorial Day and how it seems to draw a line between war and the political and social rights that we value. I got […]